The day after the Emmy Awards is usually reserved for a lot of whining. We don’t like who won the awards, we are mad that someone got snubbed, we thought the host was bad, and the list goes on and on. But this year seems to have broken the streak. After watching the show, a majority of people had nothing but good things to say.
It was a year when a lot of people who truly deserve awards finally got them. The most obvious one is probably Jon Hamm, who finally won an award for his iconic Mad Men character after being snubbed for eight straight years.
Of course, the most heartwarming moment of the Emmys this year was the win by Viola Davis, who became the first black actress to win an award for best actress in a television drama. And her speech was earth-shattering.
Heck, even Andy Samdberg was pretty awesome, even though most of his jokes were really specific and serving the television fantastic instead of the casual viewers. Good job, Emmys!