These Celebrities Used To Be Super Popular


3. Eddie Murphy

We are not saying that Eddie Murphy has totally disappeared. No, he makes a movie now and then and it flops. Still, he is sort of around and he just doesn’t seem to be able to find that one thing that will bring him back to real celebrity. So, how did he end up on our list? Well, the higher they climb, the harder they fall, as they say.

Namely, there was a point in time when Eddie Murphy was the biggest star in Hollywood, bar none. It was sometime in the late 80s and early 90s when it seemed that Eddie could do no wrong and that every movie he does is this great thing that surpasses the last one and that makes even more money. He was just box office gold.

And then, all of a sudden, he wasn’t. The quality of his movies started to drop and day by day, month by month, year by year, Eddie became a has-been.

Which is actually a sad thing.

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