Charley Gallay / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
The piece titled For Taylor Swift, the Future of Music Is a Love Story, penned by country star Taylor Swift has become a huge Internet success. The famous singer says that listeners need to learn to pay for music. Despite the fact that many actually don’t buy music, the “music industry is not dying…it’s just coming alive.”
Among other things, she wrote about what being a pop star is really like.
Pop stars get deals on popularity first
“An actress told me that when the casting for her recent movie came down to two actresses, the casting director chose the actress with more Twitter followers. I see this becoming a trend in the music industry. […] In the future, artists will get record deals because they have fans—not the other way around.
Autographs are out, selfies are pretty much in
“I haven’t been asked for an autograph since the invention of the iPhone with a front-facing camera. The only memento ‘kids these days’ want is a selfie.”
Your Instagram.com number of followers is what you really are worth
“The new currency […] seems to be ‘how many followers you have on Instagram.'”
Two possibilities. You have to be an angel, or be a whore
“There continues to be a bad girl vs. good girl/clean-cut vs. sexy debate, and for as long as those labels exist, I just hope there will be contenders on both sides.”
Fans watch tour footage online before they see the tour
“In the YouTube generation we live in, I walked out onstage every night of my stadium tour last year knowing almost every fan had already seen the show online.”