People seem to like Katy Perry. We’re not quite sure why this is the case, but we are not going to be nasty either and say that she is the worst thing ever. She is only mediocre annoying. And it seems when you combine mediocre annoying with unimportant, you get primo celebrity news.
Well, folks, Katy Perry has…wait for it…cut her hair. Yeah, she went out and cut her hair. Which is news, of course.
She announced this earth-shattering and paradigm-shifting transformation by posting a selfie on Instagram in which she is flaunting her new pixie-cut. She accompanied the pic with – “I asked for the Kris Jenner”
Of course, it did not take long for the Kardashianus Matriarchus Supremus to get in on the attention and she replied with a flurry of exclamation marks and hashtags, “LOL I love you! You look gorgeous beautiful girl!!! #stunning #sexy #eyesareamazing #Repost”