Selena Gomez Doesn’t Want Drama Between Horan And Bieber


It seems that pop sensation Selena Gomez does not want any drama in her life right now, especially not during the holidays. Gomez has been seeing One Direction member Niall Horan for about a month now, and according to sources, her ex Justin Bieber is not at all happy about it.

Bieber was friends with Horan at one point, and he still considers him to be one. Which is why he is upset that Horan is dating his ex, who everyone knows that Bieber is still in love with.

But Horan hates drama as well, and he has been taking Gomez’s advice to stay away from Bieber. The Biebs has been texting Horan and asking him to meet in person so that he can explain his relationship with Gomez to him. But Horan has been ignoring Bieber’s requests, per Gomez’s recommendations.

Read more about Gomez-Bieber “relationship”:

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