s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
This is the kind of celeb news where we do not wish to give our opinion, for the very simple reason that we do not have all the facts. We have some and we thought it would be best to share them with you, especially in the light of the new “statement” that Porsche came out with.
Paul Walker died in a crash in 2013 when a 2005 Porsche Carrera GT his friend drove crashed with him in the passenger seat. According to the police report, the car was speeding. According to a team of lawyers that have been representing Meadow Walker (Paul’s) daughter, the car was not speeding and the reason Paul died was that he was unable to get out of the burning car because of a number of faults in the design of the car.
Porsche is finally making a statement, saying that the car in question was improperly maintained and altered. They also reminded everyone of the fact that the car was speeding when the accident took place. You make of it what you want.
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