Nicki Minaj Gets Her Own Wax Figure


Rap star Nicki Minaj just got a wax figure of herself unveiled at the famous Madame Tussauds wax museum, making her the first female rap artists in history to have this honor bestowed upon her. And apparently, she didn’t even know about it.

Minaj tweeted in a state of complete surprise, saying that if she had known about it, she definitely would have come to Las Vegas for the ceremony. The figure was unveiled on August 4, which is the one-year anniversary of when her “Anaconda” single came out. And the figure portrays Minaj from a scene from that now iconic booty-shaking video. She is immortalized in wax on all fours and showing off her ample buttocks.

The unveiling ceremony even featured a bunch of dancers reenacting moves from the video. And of course, even though Minaj didn’t know about it, many of her fans did and were in attendance.

RELATED: Twitter Jumps To Nicki Minaj’s Aid After Taylor Swift Feud

This is the real picture they used of me from Anaconda. A photo posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on


And this is the wax figure. A photo posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on

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