Kevin Winter / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
Bronx residents want local officials to cancel Jennifer Lopez’s concert, amid concerns her homecoming gig might cause traffic jams in the neighborhood.
Jenny from the block is scheduled to headline a free concert in Pelham Bay Park on Wednesday, June 4. However, locals in the City Island, a town which borders the park, are upset by the chaos in traffic the concert will cause.
Members of the City Island Civic Association and its president, Bill Stanton, have written a letter to the Parks Commissioner and New York Police Department Commissioner to urge them to call off the concert so as to not disturb the neighborhood of City Island.
The letter, obtained by the New York Daily News, states, “We write to you today on behalf of our small community of 4,500 residents… located next to Pelham Bay Park… the selected site for a free Jennifer Lopez concert for 25,000 visitors on June 4…”
“To our knowledge, none of our elected officials or even our local community board had been consulted… They would have surely informed you that our small community sits immediately off of this venue and relies on the roadways within Pelham Bay Park to enter and exit our neighborhood.”
Stanton says that a previous appearance by Lopez in Pelham Bay Park led to “illegal parking, tons of litter and standstill traffic on roads leading to City Island,” adding that they are “nervous of a similar ordeal repeating itself“.
He continues, “In our opinion this is grossly unfair, and steps must be taken to rectify this situation.”
The members of the association are requesting for a special traffic lane designated for City Island residents to get home easily.
Lopez hasn’t commented yet.