It seems Justin Bieber’s showing his bad side yet again – he had a show last night in New Zealand with Rae Sremmurd, and the crowd was overwhelmed with excitement, as always. However, Justin appears to have forgotten the basics of good behavior as he drank Hennessy on stage, and that wasn’t the worst – he even lit a joint at some point and puffed away. He later regretted his actions and claimed that he only did it because of a dare.
Dare or no dare, we think it’s completely irresponsible that someone who is a teen idol, and a person many young fans look up to, would set such a bad example. Also, who could forget Justin’s lowest career point when he was consuming copious amounts of marijuana? There’s a video waiting for you below, take a good look and tell us what you think – was all this just some harmless fun or a troublesome sign?