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Demi Lovato doesn’t wanna stay friends with Miley! Shocking!
In a radio interview on “The TJ Show” on Boston’s 103.3 AMP Radio, a fan asked her about her relationshop with Miley:
Um…yeah…that. Um… we’re, we’re like… We’re acquaintances.
When pressed a bit, Lovato explained:
It’s life, and people change. I don’t have anything in common with her anymore. I wish her the best.
When asked a similar question, back in October 2013 her response was quite different:
Miley has been one of my best friends growing up and so I’m happy for her.
She’s doing what she wants to do and this is her time to break out and figure out, you know, what she wants to do in her career and her image and everything… I’m happy seeing her happy because I love her so much. And, you know, she doesn’t care what people think, nor should she.
Strange, indeed.
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