RoidRanger / Shutterstock.com
When it comes to movie events put together for fans ahead of the films release, you usually know what to expect. But Fox has broken all of the rules with “Deadpool.”
If you haven’t noticed already, they have really been doing some unorthodox promotions with funny billboards and pranks, so maybe these recent fan events in New York and Los Angeles and their level of coolness should be no surprise for fans.
Instead of just showing fans at the events some cool new trailers and putting together some panel discussions with the actors, Fox has decided to let the biggest fans see the movie in its entirety. “Deadpool” star Ryan Reynolds was on hand for the event in New York City.
Deadpool mastermind Stan Lee was at the Los Angeles event, along with other stars from the movie. Needless to say, fans who attended the event were seriously pumped when they realized that they would actually be getting to see the full movie.