Sam Simon, a co-creator of the favorite cartoon series The Simpsons and a veteran of the television industry for over four decades, passed away at the age...
Chris Pratt and Chris Evans, most famous for their superhero roles of Star-Lord and Captain America, bet over the outcome of the Super Bowl back...
On Thursady, March 5, actor Harrison Ford was injured when he brought his plane down on a golf course. Now a witness to the crash...
Kim Kardashian went to great lengths to make the revealing of her new platinum-blonde dye job as fascinating to the world as such thing can...
Chris Brown’s baby mama Nia has announced that she named her and Chris’ daughter Royalty. The rapper has not yet had the chance to comment,...
Adam Sandler is just one of many celebrities that got involved in Night Of Too Many Stars, a charity project set up to help support...
There are a few universal truths that are just that – facts that are unchanging and eternal. For instance, “the sky is blue” or “women...
As found out, hottie Christ Brown has a 9 month old daughter, and the mother is his longtime friend. She is a 31-year old...
Historians might be looking in the wrong direction, as apparently Kim is the responsible for the invention of selfies. An boy, does she have a...
It has been a few days since we brought you the news that Leonard Nimoy, legendary actor who so marvelously portrayed Dr. Spock on the...
Russel Brands latest confession on YouTube is quite interesting. He talks about his addiction to porn and the way porn can mess up your life....
Naya Rivera, the star of the famous TV show “Glee” announced on Tuesday, February 24 that she’s expecting a baby. Her and her husband Ryan...
There are guys that you just cannot imagine not being around, even if they might be old and of not-spectacular health. Leonard Nimoy, the legendary...