Theo Wargo/Getty Images Entertainment
Artie Lange was scheduled to appear on Comedy Central’s @midnight on Thursday but it seems that he won’t be doing that, as confirmed by Comedy Central.
The decision followed a series of tweets Lange wrote on Tuesday, in which he describes a sexual fantasy involving ESPN2 host Cari Champion.
In his fantasy, he is a plantation owner and Champion is his slave. He tweeted that he wants to whip her, after which she beats him and escapes. He then tweeted that he would reach climax in what he calls “The Happiest ending ever!”
He also tweeted about his erection while watching Cari Champions show First Take and how he wants her to laugh at his “white d**k.” A
after the backlash over his sexist and racist tweets, Lange tweeted that he is not racist nor does he hates women and his message to the PC groups was to “f**k off.”
Lastly, he said that he was sorry to those who got hurt by his tweets and that he should keep some jokes to himself.