David Buchan / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images
It seems that not even a restraining order was good enough at keeping actor Columbus Short away from his estranged wife. According to a new court ruling, he violated the first restraining order six times in the last month.
The initial order was filed in April and the new extension will last until the middle of July. Short appealed the initial ruling, but he lost that appeal as well. After the ruling, he was forced to take all of his belongings out of their home. However, he was later accused of breaking into the house in late April.
The grand total of violations of the restraining order, according to his estranged wife’s attorney, is six times. The lawyer called for a permanent restraining order, but for now he will only get an extension until July.
His wife filed for divorce back in September 2013, but needed to file a restraining order later after acts of violence committed by the actor. Short has a string of court dates. He recently pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of aggravated battery that stems from a bar fight that he was involved in sometime in March.
Short has already lost a lot of interest from potential employers and former employers because of the spousal abuse rumors and it seems that things will only get worse for him professionally now. He was recently taken off of the television show Scandal directly because of the spousal abuse cases and has yet to land on a new show or sign up for a new film project.