8. Ralph Macchio
Famous for playing the Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio still looks like a young guy. The fact that he is in his fifties is just plain amazing. “Don’t let the gift-wrapping fool ya!” he once told a reporter!
The handsome Macchio reached stardom in the 1980’s when he played Daniel LaRusso in the cult Karate Kid movie series which remains one of the fondest childhood memories for an entire generation. Those who were kids or teens when the Karate Kid movies came out are now well in their thirties and forties and they are probably not surprised to hear Macchio is 54. However, those who know him from, say, Ugly Betty, Psych or Dancing with the Stars are probably shocked.
Ralph Macchio does not age. Period. Nothing else to add here. We know he’s in his fifties but at the same time we can’t wrap our brains around that fact. Because Macchio looks 35, 40 at best. It’s ridiculous. He must have some truly terrific genes.