19 Things You Didn’t Know About Emma Watson


9. Praised By Everyone Who Ever Worked With Her

During her Harry Potter years, we are certain that you all heard her praised for her acting abilities, but the good word continued like an avalanche. She was brilliant in almost every role, but we have to single out what director Sandra Goldbacher said about her part in Ballet Shoes, Emma’s first after Harry Potter: ”She has a piercing, delicate aura that makes you want to gaze and gaze at her.”

Goldacher praised her for her spontaneity, and realism, and the lack of any narcissism whatsoever. She was never posh, and her work is intelligent, subtle and sensitive. Watson is also very hardworking and always manages her tight schedule.

She’s always been a humble and graceful star, always being very close to her fans, and with a huge amount of feelings for the young romantics worldwide. She is a great example of an accessible icon, having qualities of a star not corrupted by the glory and wealth. Everybody loves that feature of hers.

She’s very down to earth and maybe everyone loves her because she seems attainable, like a next-door girl you can bump into and have a nice chat with. You have the feeling you can just ring her up for a cup of coffee, and that she would be happy to find time. It’s probably that her agents have put a serious effort into making her seem like she could be your friend, your girlfriend even, but everybody knows she out of reach for the ordinary folk.

And we’re fine with just looking at her acting in movies and hearing praise about this wonderful young woman.

Emma’s also honest about her life, and that’s also what everybody appreciates, “Let’s be honest, I have enough money never to have to work again”.

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