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The star of Whitnail and I, Bram Stocker’s Dracula and Gosford Park, Richard E. Grant is a Swaziland-born English actor, director and writer. The charming Englishman was born in 1957 in Mbabane, Swaziland, where his father served as minister of education. At the time, Swaziland was a British colony and the entire government was under British administration.
Grant attended a recently segregated school in Mbabane and later studied drama and English at the University of Cape Town. Swaziland was emancipated in 1968 but Grant remained in Africa until 1982, when he moved to London to pursue an acting career.
Upon arriving in England, he changed his name from Richard Grant Esterhuysen to Richard E. Grant, figuring it made a better stage name. Ever since he moved from Africa, Grant has been wearing two wrist watches – one showing regular time and the other, given to him by his father, permanently set on Swaziland time.