21 Celebs That Had The Craziest Odd Jobs


10. Walt Disney

What we’re dealing with here is a man who has won 22 Academy Awards in his life, so even if he didn’t have a fascinating life story, it would still be enough. But he did. Born to a working class family, Walt had to struggle and use his talents to get any pocket money whatsoever.

At first he would draw pictures and sell them around to the neighbourhood and family friends. In 1911, his family moved to Kansas City where he developed a love for trains. Since his uncle was a railroad engineer working the route between Fort Madison and Marceline, Disney would work a summer job at the railroad selling snacks and newspapers to travelers and workers.

When he was 16, he dropped out of school to join the army but was rejected because of being underage. Instead, they allowed him to join the Red Cross and was sent to France to drive an ambulance. Walt Disney ladies and gentlemen, a phenomenal character.

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