21 Bankrupt Celebrities – They Had It All And Spent Even More


21. Michael Jackson

This may come as a surprise to many, but the King of Pop actually filed for bankruptcy in 2007, two years before he passed away. Isn’t it absolutely baffling to imagine the most successful entertainer of all times (and this is not just our opinion – it’s a Guinness Book of records fact) going bankrupt? With all those royalties and merch revenue? Mind-blowing.

Jackson was forced to file for bankruptcy because he was unable to pay the $27 million debt for his famous Neverland Ranch. Anyone who’s ever seen that property can easily imagine just how expensive it must be to keep that ginormous beast up and running. With helipads, a zoo, a theater, an amusement park and whatnot, it basically sucked money. Plus, Jackson’s passion for shopping was unprecedented and incredibly lavish. Finally, only 0.05% of his total net worth was actual accessible money, so he had no other choice than to file for bankruptcy.

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