Jaguar PS / Shutterstock.com
20. Ke$ha
Ever since the beginning of her music career, Ke$ha’s main moto has been to set yourself free, cast off your chains and dance till dawn. She claimed she would never accept a straight, boring and clean life, believing that it’s what leads to disaster and depression. She even named one of her best-selling tours “Get Sleazy,” which tells us a lot about her moral standards.
But recently, it seems that her lavish lifestyle has become too much for her to handle. She announced that she would be checking into a 30-day rehab treatment because of an eating disorder. And apparently she had some issues with low self-esteem because she stated that she had to learn how to love herself again. Presently, she is out of rehab and looking happier than ever. And oh, she declared that her name is no longer spelt with a dollar sign, but instead with a regular “S”. Looks like she might be growing up a bit.