Even though Will is now an A-list actor, he wasn’t always so lucky. He started off as a rapper but his lyrics were so crude that recording labels refused to give him the time of day. We bet they feel silly now.
11. Orlando Bloom Orlando is yet another Hollywood actor with a huge heart. Unlike so many other famous people who would never adopt an animal from a shelter, let...
11. Jesse James In March 2010, several women claimed to have had affairs with customizer and TV personality Jesse James, Sandra Bullock’s then-husband of five years. Before checking into...
11. Charlie Chaplin Chaplin is one of the most influential actors of all time. He had a very difficult childhood. He and his brother were forced to live on...
11. Courtney Cox The former Friend and current Cougar felt she left something to be desired in the chest region, so Cox decided to get a top off using...