Top 20 Strongest Celeb Couples


8. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

Tom and Rita became romantically involved while working on the film “Volunteers.” The couple was married in 1988 and they have two sons together. Recently they were blessed with two granddaughters.

Hanks and Wilson celebrated 25 years of marriage last December.

“I’ll never forget, we were standing on the corner of 57th and 5th in New York, or 58th and 5th. We were holding hands, and we were waiting for the traffic light to change. And he looked at me and he said, ‘You know, I just want you to know, that you never have to change anything about who you are in order to be with me.’ Literally, a wave of — if love is a feeling, or a cellular thing that happens to your body, it went through me, and that’s pretty much who he is, and how he’s been.’’

Hanks said that she is the center of his universe.

I have been blessed beyond deserving. Since 1988, I have been happy in the warm embrace of a big, fat Greek family. I’m here because of my wife, Rita Wilson. She is the motivation of my best work. I wish everyone could share their life with as good a friend, a passionate lover, as close a partner, and as beautiful a woman as I have been able to with the mate of my soul, Rita Wilson.

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