Top 20 Strongest Celeb Couples


19. Samuel L Jackson and LaTanya Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson might appear to be a guy that can’t stay in a relationship too long, but that’s just not the case. Even though he is known as a tough guy that swears a lot in most of his movie roles, he actually has one of the most successful relationships in all of Hollywood.

He has been married for over 30 years to LaTanya, his wife who was a former sports show producer. They met in a class while attending Morehouse College.

While the couple has gone through some rough times, they always worked it out and are still happily together and very much in love. They also have a daughter named Zoe.

According to Samuel, the things he loves most about his wife is her incredible sense of humor and the fact that she loves life and loves the people around her. That’s a beautiful thing to hear from such a tough guy and bad boy.

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