Top 20 Strongest Celeb Couples


11. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk

Sissy met her husband of 36 years, Jack, on the set of “Badlands.” He was the director.

’Well, first we met working together, and throughout the 1970s we just did almost every film together — from “Badlands” to “Carrie.” If I wasn’t working, I helped him out, and if he wasn’t working, he helped me with my research for a role. We really supported one another and we really understood the business. It was what brought us together.’’

And we were passionate about the same things, including movie-making…we both thought of ourselves as filmmakers. And I think it was a lucky thing for me, not only that I met Jack, but that I was so involved since the very beginning of my career with the entire production of my films. We both had this great passion and love for filmmaking, and that’s something that we continue to share. And we each have an understanding of what making a commitment to a film entails. We both have to give 200 percent.’’

Early in their relationship, Sissy decided to take some time off to focus on her family. Many think that her willingness to put her family first is what has kept this couple together.

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