10. Diane Kruger
Here’s a random one for you, the stunning blonde star of The Host and the hit TV show The Bridge is allergic to candle wax. Only when it’s burning though, she actually likes to collect candles for their colors and styles.
This weird and not very common allergy is not the only one the gorgeous German-born star is suffering from. She is also allergic to pollen, and can’t stand flowers, at least some kinds of it. We found about this when she was telling the story of her disastrous first date with Joshua Jackson, her boyfriend of nine years now.
Jackson took her to a romantic place which was overflown with all sorts of flowers and she instantly started sneezing and coughing and her eyes became itchy, red and watery. It was not very romantic at all. Jackson made up for the faux pas the next day when he sent her a bouquet of flowers along with a box of tissues.