5. Bruce Willis
Some might see Republicans as an “endangered species” in Hollywood, and rightly so; by some definitions, they very well might be.
There are estimates afloat that put the Democrat and Republican ratio in Hollywood at about 98 to 2, although there is no verified polling data that supports this. (This is mainly because so many Republicans simply refuse to speak outright about their leanings to the right.)
One well-known television actress was having dinner and conversation with some Hollywood friends when the subject of politics came up. When the actress proudly stated that she’d voted for George W. Bush both times, the room grew cold and still with awkward silence. The actress said she felt as though she’d spoiled everybody’s appetite.
Back in 1988, A-list actor Bruce Willis and his then-wife Demi Moore, also an A-lister, campaigned for the Presidential bid of the Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis. Four years later, he was a very public and outspoken critic of the Democratic nominee Bill Clinton, instead lending his support to President George H. W. Bush for reelection to the top spot.
His famous ex Demi Moore is open about being a liberal Democrat. Willis was invited to speak at the 2000 Republican Convention where he openly supported the elder Bush’s son George W. Bush throughout his campaign. While Willis did not make any public endorsements or political contributions in the 2008 election campaign, he did declare a number of Republican ideologies during several June 2007 interviews, both spoken and in print.
In 2012, he was quite vocal in an interview with Esquire magazine about his disappointment in the Republican Mitt Romney as a political candidate, although it is unclear whether or not he ended up voting for him anyway. While Bruce Willis is said to have identified as an Independent at certain points throughout his career, he has definitely shown a tendency to lean toward and support the staunchly Republican Bush family throughout all of the terms of both of the Bush presidencies.