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20. Rose McGowan
The actress and singer, best known for playing Paige Matthews on “Charmed”, as well as her roles in “Encino Man,” “Grindhouse” and “Planet Terror” was not always famous and successful. In fact, she spent a year homeless travelling around Pacific Northwest.
As a teenager, McGowan hardly fit with the rest of the kids in school, looking like a goth, with short, messy hair and red lipstick, always in black. When she was 14, one of her mother’s boyfriends at the time convinced her mother Rose was a drug addict and the couple managed to have Rose admitted to a rehabilitation facility, despite her insisting it was not true.
When she was released, instead of going home, Rose decided to roam Oregon and Washington, all by herself and homeless for a full year, until she legally emancipated herself and went to live with an aunt in Seattle.