8. Grace Jones
Grace Jones is another diva with an attitude problem. She has a long history of being violent and aggressive, and she is really tall, so she really is not someone what you should play around with. When it comes to attacks on other people, Jones has the most memorable on air attack ever. In 1981 she attacked Russel Harty on a television talk show and slapped him really hard. And this was long before fights on television were normal.
This was about a decade or so before Jerry Springer started becoming popular and people fighting on television was an everyday thing. And this fight was definitely not staged like most television fights are staged. Jones was certainly really angry and the slap was far from playful.
But that’s not the only incident she has – far from it. One of her other well-known assaults was when she attacked the manager of a Eurostar train. Apparently there was some type of dispute about a ticket upgrade that she wanted and the train manager was not having any of it.
First she started attacking him verbally, both in English and in French, and then she grabbed his arm and shoved him.
It took three officers to remove her from the train at the next stop, and the train had to wait 15 minutes because of her.
As the story goes, she wanted to sit in first class, but did not have a premium ticket. When the train manger told her that she needed to pay for an upgrade, she flipped out completely and stared yelling at him.
The train officials must have been fans, because they did not end up pressing any charges against her, even though they easily could have.