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9. Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart might be a funny guy, but his DUI charge is anything but. He was arrested in April 2013 after he almost ran into a huge 18 wheeler on the highway. Lucky no one was hurt, but this was an accident that could have cost the lives of many, considering that such a heavy and dangerous vehicle was involved in the incident.
Police said that Hart was driving his Mercedes erratically and at almost 100 miles per hour, adding that he nearly slammed right into a gas tanker. So not only was it a huge truck, it was also carry gas – that’s scary. He was arrested and was charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence.
However, the comedian was able to escape a stint in jail. He was instead given three months of probation and he had to attend alcohol education classes for three months as well. Hart had a lot of luck when getting off the hook, considering how dangerous his driving was. According to the police reports, his blood alcohol level was almost double the legal limit. Naturally, when he was asked to step out of the car, he completely and utterly failed his sobriety test and was taken in.
He should be thanking his lucky stars that nothing more serious happened.
Colliding with such a huge vehicle would have led to a lot of problems and possibly some fatalities.
Luckily, it was late and there were not many other drivers on the road at the time.
Hopefully he realizes how lucky he was and has learned his lesson.
No one even wants to think about what could have happened if he crashed into the gas tanker and caused some type of an explosion on the road.