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8. Todd Harrell
Yet another troubled rock star, Todd Harrell already had a history of driving under the influence before his last and most serious infraction. He was charged for vehicular homicide in April 2013 after being involved in a fatal car crash while under the influence. The police report states that he clipped another vehicle on the road, and that the car then spun out and hit an embankment. The driver of that vehicle was killed in the accident.
This was the 3 Doors Down bassist’s third arrest for driving under the influence in two years, and of course, his most serious one. Harrell is under house arrest and is still awaiting trial. According to his own testimony, it wasn’t just alcohol that he was consuming the night of the crash and fatality. He told the judge that he had not only been drinking hard cider, but that he was also taking prescription pills, including Lortab and Xanax. It was later discovered by the authorities that he had Xanax, Oxycodone and Oxymorphone at the time of the crash.
Harrell could be looking at serious jail time if he is convicted of the homicide charges, and it probably completely ended his career with the band and as a musician in general. However, he was already released from the band after his two other DUIs, and this is probably what sent him into an even more destructive chain of actions. According to the band, he was suspended from the band and was not to allowed to participate in any activities related to the band after his first brushes with the law. The band obviously does not need the bad publicity and does not want to support someone who is making a habit out of driving while drink.
After the homicide charge, the band suspended him indefinitely from all band related activities, saying that they are doing this in order to protect the image and integrity of the band. They also added that they how that Todd will be able to resolve his problems.