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2. DMX
There are plenty of rappers who have gone to prison, but DMX is definitely a veteran when it comes to having problems with the law. In fact, his time spent in jail has pretty much completely killed his career and made fans forget about him. It seems that the only time he is in the news is when he is being arrested, and the same thing happened to him in 2013. The most recent arrest of his was in August 2013 in South Carolina.
At first, it seems like a minor incident, but it quickly escalated in typical DMX fashion. First, he was stopped and arrested because the car he was in made an illegal turn. DMX was not driving at the time, but he was taken into custody anyway for another outstanding warrant of his. DMX had an outstanding warrant for driving with a suspended license and when he heard that he was getting arrested because of it, he was pretty angry.
There was a video of the incident, and you can clearly see DMX screaming at the officers that he did not do anything wrong. But that was not true, of course. Not only did he have an outstanding warrant for his arrest, but the situation got even more serious when marijuana was found in the car. The rapper was taken to jail but was then released on house arrest.
The first time he was arrested in 2013 was for driving without a license, and that is where the outstanding warrant came from. Of course, DMX has been arrested for driving without a license many times. We are not sure whether he has a license and always forgets it, or he had his license revoked but still likes driving without it. We are guessing that it’s the latter.