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12. Rick Springfield
Does anyone remember Rick Springfield? He had a pretty big hit called “Jesse’s Girl” back in the day, but he hasn’t been relevant in forever. The only time he appears in the papers these days is when he is being arrested. Even though Springfield was arrested in 2013, it was not his first time.
The first time he was arrested was in 2000, when he was booked for spousal abuse. Officers were called to his home and found that his wife had injuries on her arms and face, after which Rick was taken into custody.
And it seemed that he had put that past him, until his 2011 arrest for driving while intoxicated. The police caught him speeding and found out that he had too much to drink. He got off easy that time, with only having to take three months of alcohol education classes. He is lucky he got off, because according to reports, he told a police officer at the scene that he would kill him if his car was towed from the scene.
However, the bad behavior came back to bite him in the butt. He was taken into custody in 2013 because he failed to appear in court for the DUI related case.
That was his second strike and he did not get a third one. Since he did not feel like coming to court, the judge made sure that he would spend some time in the pen to think about his actions.
The singer will probably think twice in the future about missing court dates. Good think Rick didn’t threaten anyone when getting arrested this time around, or it could have ended up much worst for him.