20 Celebs Who Died In Freaky Accidents


18. Jeff Buckley

One of the most talented singers of the 1990s, Jeff Buckley is another star who died way too young. He was the son of Tim Buckley, another great singer who died too soon. His death is still a very strange one. It’s also strange to note that he had referenced his early death in some songs and interviews prior to his death.

He ended up drowning in Memphis’s Wolf River Harbor. According to the police reports, it was an accidental drowning. Most people believed that it was drug or alcohol related, however, that was apparently not the case. The autopsy report came back and showed that Buckley was stone cold sober.

Buckley’s band arrived in Memphis the same night, since they were supposed to record some new material in the studio with him that day. According to people who were at the scene, he went swimming in a little water channel wearing all of his clothes and his boots. He was also singing a Led Zeppelin song while entering the water. A roadie of his was there with him and said that after he moved a guitar and some other personal things away from the water; he looked up and could not see Jeff anywhere.

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